Sewer Excavation in pittsburgh
When your residential or commercial sewer line backs up in the Pittsburgh area, a multitude of issues can occur. If you’re concerned about the cost of excavating, Krupp Whitney can give you ease of mind. Call us today to schedule an appointment!
Sewer Line Excavation
Traditional sewer line excavation may be a better option if your home is near the main sewer line with no obstacles. For example, if a sewer line is collapsed, or has backfall, a traditional excavation is needed.
But this doesn’t mean you won’t get the best deal by choosing the experts at Krupp Whitney for your Pittsburgh area home! We will give you a quote to determine which is right for your home and budget!
Krupp Whitney owns all of its materials, tools and earth moving equipment to ensure your excavation runs smooth, with as little damage to your property as possible. We can also obtain the necessary permits for sidewalk and street cutting if needed. Our team has the equipment necessary for excavation. Likewise, we can lay the plumbing foundation for new construction.
Krupp Whitney has the expertise and experience to excavate any area for our residential and commercial customers. Whether you need to dig down to a sewer line to make repairs or need hookups to sewer and/or water lines, we offer turnkey services for every job and project.
We are licensed, insured, and bonded to ensure that you and your home are fully protected.